Epileptologie 2 | 2012
Moderne Entwicklungen der Elektroenzephalographie
Hochfrequenzoszillationen (80-500 Hz): Klinische Marker in der Epileptologie?
Julia Jacobs
A Review on Non-Invasive Localisation of Focal Epileptic Activity Using EEG Source Imaging
Agustina Maria Lascano, Serge Vulliemoz, Göran Lantz, Laurent Spinelli, Christoph Michel and Margitta Seeck
Recent Developments of Simultaneous EEG/fMRI in Epilepsy – towards Clinical Application?
Martinus Hauf, Olivier Scheidegger, Chritian Rummel, Ali Rahman and Roland Wiest
Quantitative Analysis of Peri-Ictal Multi-Channel EEG
Christian Rummel, Ralph G. Andrzejak and Kaspar Schindler
The Future of Intracranial EEG Recording in Epilepsy: a Technological Issue?
Claudio Pollo, Masan Shoaran, Yusuf Leblebici, André Mercanzini, Catherine Dehollain, Alexandre Schmid