Epileptologie 4 | 2012
Epilepsie auf der Intensivpflegestation
Refractory Status Epilepticus: Epidemiology, Clinical Aspects
and Management of a Persistent Epileptic Storm
Raoul Sutter and Stephan Rüegg
Antiepileptic Medication in the ICU: Which Compounds Do We Need?
Alba Sierra-Marcos and Andrea O. Rossetti
Electroencephalographic Patterns in Coma: When Things Slow Down
Raoul Sutter and Peter W. Kaplan
EEG in the ICU: What Should One Treat, What Not?
Jong Woo Lee
Prognosis after Cerebral Anoxia in Adults: What’s the Role of
EEG Specialist?
Vincent Alvarez and Andrea O. Rossetti